Goals, hopes and dreams, that is. One of my loftiest goals is already being realized: To be impersonated by drag queens. I'm not sure when this desire really became solidified, but it definitely began as a proverbial dance-off between yours truly and some of the wonderful gay men I've met in my travels. It seems we all wanted to be the biggest personality in the room, and I always won. And Cher's had a good run. Seriously. I sense a need for new material... Enter Jody, my latest--okay my only--impersonator. She looks nothing like me, but it's still one of the most awesome things ever in life. I hope my lexicon of devotees grows in time. I'm six feet tall on the inside, so tall (and awkward, and especially ethnic!) applications are welcome.
My great big voice has a strong desire to make history. I love being a chronicler for the voices of others as much as I love expressing my own vision. I enjoy all the obstacles, leaps and bounds. Today I tried to walk in some
headshot/resumes to agencies that do not forbid drop-offs in an effort to get a new agent. But I never found two of the addresses and one had an impenetrable gate, so I only managed to leave two. So, I yelled a bunch of curse words in my car while I was driving home, and now I feel much better. There is so much to be done daily to pursue commercial success in the arts, but that doesn't undermine the personal
fulfillment and small accomplishments along the way. And every day is made rich and full by the constant strides. Some people get upset by not having it all--the agent, the auditions, the union membership, etc.. I like the thrill of the chase. I also like enjoying each day, so it's just a good idea to find something to love about it.
I can
even find things to love about
Internet dating. It's amazing how
everybody's doing it, and yet they are somehow still slightly ashamed. The men are very
accusatory of why I need to be on an
Internet dating site. People are suspicious when you're single anyway, like, "What's wrong with you?" Well, I'm single (at least while I type this) because I don't have to settle for any-old offer that comes down the pike. And with all the implants arriving constantly, there's no real sense of community in L.A. So you have to forge, find or buy one. I've used a variety of the sites and met some really interesting people. I don't feel exasperated by not having found "the one" yet, but rather am enjoying meeting all sorts of characters. One guy showed up with an oral herpes outbreak, which was distracting and honest. One date only lasted 2 minutes due to the fact that he was a clearly insane person. And several men were really sensitive, and should refer back to paragraph one...
So, it could be dangerous to have high expectations from life, love and career, but only if you forget to enjoy the journey. But I'll do anything for a laugh; I like having stories in my
repertoire. I'll just keep going on adventures so that we have something to talk about.