Let's face facts, I used to be a bit of a ho. Many girls go through this phase--if they're lucky it's just a phase. The problem with maturing and coming into my own and feeling comfortable in my own skin is that I still live in L.A. The majority of the people here come to be a star, to be worshiped for their physical beauty, and there's no need to bother with emotional exploration or maturity. The boy buffet was beefy and divine when I was sloring it up. But now that I have blossomed into a woman of substance, I am alarmed at the lack of men in this town. It's wonderful, in a sense, to have a place where people can thrive without playing house in the cookie-cutter tradition. On the other hand, my romantic notions starve to death with no men in sight to feed them. Are there any males in Tinsel Town who are done sowing their wild oats and ready to quit turning tricks?
Nicely put!
ReplyDeleteI'd like a partner that has achieved a sense of honesty but, it seems a traight desired by few...
Did I spell that right?
No, it's "trait", but this is a forgivable sin :)
ReplyDeleteI think everyone wants to find one person they overall just connect with. Someone to give their all to, to put forth the effort of loving this one person, and to just be with. Everyone, someday, wants that, at least that's what I think.
ReplyDeleteHowever, lots of young people, mainly male, but some female, want to "just have fun", "experiment" so when the thoughts of curiousity come again they can say they've already experienced such (my college roommate lost his girlfriend/soon to be fiance because of this so this I know to be real), some want a happily ever after ... eventually, just not now, etc. Everyone's in different stages of their lives and have different mindsets. So it's all about finding that one that shares your mindset and is in your stage to go forth in life with, as you probably already know.
So yes, there are men out there that want what you and other mature women like you want at this stage in your lives. Yes, a lot of them are here in LA. I think it depends on how you find one and then getting him to open up for you to realize that he qualifies. For instance say it was me, and you didn't know me, and we walk by each other on the street. We probably wouldn't say anything to each other and you would never know. So to you it feels like "no one is out there", which in fact it could be the exact opposite.
In no way am I saying to open up a lot more and discover all the weirdos that LA has to offer! Just stating what I believe.